Anonymisation (ANM)

PUT /micro/configuration/{id}

  • Description: Update a `MicroConfiguration` object.
  • Consumes: [u’application/json’]


Name Position Description Type
id path MicroConfiguration id string
body body MicroConfiguration


200 - Success. The MicroConfiguration was updated

404 - The MicroConfiguration with the specified id was not found

400 - Invalid request (invalid MicroConfiguration id)

DELETE /micro/configuration/{id}

  • Description: Delete a `MicroConfiguration` object.


Name Position Description Type
id path MicroConfiguration id string


200 - Success. The MicroConfiguration was deleted

404 - The MicroConfiguration with the specified id was not found

400 - Invalid request (invalid MicroConfiguration id)

GET /micro/configuration/{id}

  • Produces: [u’application/json’]
  • Description: Get a `MicroConfiguration` object.


Name Position Description Type
id path MicroConfiguration id string


200 - Success. The body contains the requested MicroConfiguration

404 - The MicroConfiguration with the specified id was not found

400 - Invalid request (invalid MicroConfiguration id)

POST /macro/configuration

  • Produces: [u’application/json’]
  • Description: Creates a new `MacroConfiguration` object.
  • Consumes: [u’application/json’]


Name Position Description Type
body body MacroConfiguration


200 - Success. The body contains the requested MacroConfiguration id

400 - Invalid request (invalid MacroConfiguration).

POST /micro

  • Produces: [u’application/json’]
  • Description: Anonymize data


Name Position Description Type
configuration query MicroConfiguration id string
file query file id string


200 - Success. The body contains outpu file id.

404 - The MicroConfiguration id or file id were not found

PUT /macro/configuration/{id}

  • Description: Update a `MacroConfiguration` object.
  • Consumes: [u’application/json’]


Name Position Description Type
id path MacroConfiguration id string
body body MacroConfiguration


200 - Success. The MacroConfiguration was updated

404 - The MacroConfiguration with the specified id was not found

400 - Invalid request (invalid MacroConfiguration id)

DELETE /macro/configuration/{id}

  • Description: Delete a `MacroConfiguration` object.


Name Position Description Type
id path MacroConfiguration id string


200 - Success. The MacroConfiguration was deleted

404 - The MacroConfiguration with the specified id was not found

400 - Invalid request (invalid MacroConfiguration id)

GET /macro/configuration/{id}

  • Produces: [u’application/json’]
  • Description: Get a `MacroConfiguration` object.


Name Position Description Type
id path MacroConfiguration id string


200 - Success. The body contains the requested MacroConfiguration

404 - The MacroConfiguration with the specified id was not found

400 - Invalid request (invalid MacroConfiguration id)

DELETE /file/{id}

  • Description: Delete a file.


Name Position Description Type
id path file id string


200 - Success. The file was deleted

404 - The file with the specified id was not found

400 - Invalid request (invalid file id)

GET /file/{id}

  • Produces: [u’multipart/form-data’]
  • Description: Download a file.


Name Position Description Type
id path File id string


200 - Success. The body contains the requested file

404 - The file with the specified id was not found

500 - Internal server error.

POST /file

  • Produces: [u’application/json’]
  • Description: Uploads a new file.
  • Consumes: [u’multipart/form-data’]


Name Position Description Type
file formData the file to upload file


200 - Success. The body contains the uploaded file id

500 - Internal server error

400 - Invalid request

POST /micro/configuration

  • Produces: [u’application/json’]
  • Description: Creates a new `MicroConfiguration` object.
  • Consumes: [u’application/json’]


Name Position Description Type
body body MicroConfiguration


200 - Success. The body contains the requested MicroConfiguration id

400 - Invalid request (invalid MicroConfiguration).

POST /macro

  • Produces: [u’application/json’]
  • Description: Execute queries with differential privacy


Name Position Description Type
configuration query Macroonfiguration id string
file query file id string


200 - Success. The body contains outpu file id.

404 - The MacroConfiguration id or file id were not found

Anonymisation Interface (ANI)

ANI provides anonymisation service for federated clouds via differential privacy guarantee.

Version: 1.0.0

Contact information:
Andrea Margheri

POST /interface/register

  • Description: This endpoint is used to register a new data-sharing event.


Name Position Description Type
body body JSON body of the register information


200 - The response body for successful response

401 - The operation is not allowed (unauthorised access, the token is invalid, etc.)

400 - Invalid request, required parameters missing.

POST /interface/queryFromUser

  • Description: This endpoint is used to query the anonymised statistical the DataId and requested budget


Name Position Description Type
body body JSON body of the query input


200 - The response body for a successful response

401 - The operation is not allowed (unauthorised access, the token is invalid, etc.)

400 - Invalid request, required parameters missing