Policy Administration Point (PAP)

The PAP interface follows a straight forward REST interface, as it requires bare access to the policy storage.

Version: 1.0.0

Contact information:
Alexander Marsalek



Summary: This endpoint is used by entities interfacing with the PAP to retrieve policies



Name Located in Description Required Schema
SUNFISH-issuer header References the entity that issued the request. This field may include the data that confirms the authenticati on of source entity and its authenticati on level. Yes string


Code Description Schema
200 The body of the response contains the requested policies according to the schema defined in Listing 3. The response result set only contains a certain amount of entries. Pagination is done using the Web Linking approach according to RFC5988. A Link header is included in the response pointing to the next resultset: Link: https://%3Ch ost/pap/api/ v1/policies/ ?page=2>; rel=”next” The possible “rel” values are “next” pointing to the next result-set. Pagination URLs are not allowed to be constructed manually. string
400 Invalid request  
403 The requestor is not allowed to perform this operation  
404 No policies matching the specified request were found  


Summary: This endpoint is used by entities interfacing with the PAP to add a policy



Name Located in Description Required Schema
body body The body of the request contains a to be added policy according to the schema in Listing 1. Yes string
SUNFISH-issuer header References the entity that issued the request. This field may include the data that confirms the authenticati on of source entity and its authenticati on level. Yes string


Code Description Schema
200 Created successful string
400 Invalid request  
403 The requestor is not allowed to perform this operation  
409 The policy exists already  



Summary: This endpoint is used by entities to remove policies



Name Located in Description Required Schem a
id path Id of the policy to delete Yes string
version path Specifies the version of the policy to be deleted Yes string
SUNFISH-issuer header References the entity that issued the request. This field may include the data that confirms the authenticati on of source entity and its authenticati on level. Yes string


Code Description Schema
200 Deleted successful string
400 Invalid request  
403 The requestor is not allowed to perform this operation  
404 Policy not found